Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Habit Speaks

Armand Gautier, Three Nuns in the Portal of a Church
What does a Religious habit say to me when I see someone wearing it?  

"I have found God to be worth the gift of my whole life," it tells me. "Nothing on earth is as important as He." 

I thought of this, of the witnessing power of the habit, today when I saw the video I'm sharing on this post. I share it with hope that you have a few minutes to prayerfully witness this clothing of someone making a total gift of self to God.  

As we know, each part of the monastic habit is deeply symbolic. 

Can I identify, in a spiritual way, with any of the habit pieces placed on Sister?   

I ask God to show me.  I ask Him to clothe me in His love and His grace. 

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