Friday, September 1, 2017

our eyes on Home

our eyes on Home

Finding the "view through the grille" is a bit like putting on a pair of glasses.  Viewing situations through the lens of Scripture and Church teaching, we begin to see life as it IS.  Not merely as we'd like it to be, not as the world around us and the media present it, but as it truly IS. 

The view through the grille is a long one, perhaps more akin to one seen by a telescope than through a pair of spectacles.  The telescope, after all, brings into view sights that are light years away; things actually in the past.  Scripture brings into view not only what is before our eyes today, but also realities awaiting us in eternity: truths revealed by God to help us keep our eyes on the vision of Home. 

"Now we see indistinctly, as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face."(1 Corinthians 13:12)

"Heaven is the ultimate end and fulfillment of the deepest human longings, the state of supreme, definitive happiness.  To live in heaven is 'to be with Christ.' " (Cathechism of the Catholic Church # 1024-1025)

"We will see face to face and very clearly the Divine Majesty, the essence of God, and the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity."  (St. Francis de Sales) 

"The pleasant companionship of all the blessed in heaven will be a companionship replete with delight.... the joy and gladness of one will be as great as the joy of all."  (St Thomas Aquinas)

"When you awake in that world, you will find that nothing could tempt you to return to this! (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)

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