Friday, September 1, 2017

nothing else

“Monastic life is nothing else..than a Christian life whose Christianity has penetrated every part of it...  The monk is precisely the Christian who has recognized in Christ ‘the way, the truth, the life,’ and who intends to act logically over this discovery, a discovery of such a nature that it should not leave any of those who have made it tepid or indifferent.”  (Louis Bouyer of the Oratory, The Meaning of the Monastic Life, P.J. Kenedy and Sons, 1950) 

“Christ is literally to be the monk’s ‘all,’ his life and his food, the yearning of his soul, the joy of his heart....The monk sees all things in the light of God.”  (Wilfrid Tunink OSB, Vision of Peace, Farrar, Straus & Co., 1963) 

“The earliest monasticism was directed against the tendency in the church to compromise with the world, to water down the strong wine of the Gospels to suit the vulgar taste….”  (Walter Nigg, Warriors of GodAlfred A. Knopf Inc., 1959)

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