Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Monday, July 15, 2013

A House of Prayer

"God chooses a 'Home' within us.  What about your house, your temple, your soul?  Is it a den of thieves or a house of prayer?  Are you robbing God of anything?  Does everything in your castle belong to Him? ...

"Your house is meant to be a house of prayer...  No one holds reign in your heart but Christ.  He should be the great Power urging you on to sanctity.  No other traffic will He allow to be carried on within the temple of your soul but the traffic for eternal wealth...

"Mindful of the Precious Jewel you guard within yourself, you will return to it unceasingly in your thoughts and affections.  There is always present an indefinable loving remembrance of God, as well as a frequent communing with your Divine Guest.  Accustom yourself by your own activity helped by grace, to converse affectionately and very simply with your Beloved."

from Sheltering the Divine Outcast, compiled by A Religious, Peter Reilly Co., Philadelphia, 1952, pp. 81-82

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