Friday, September 1, 2017

Listening for Lectio

Listening for Lectio

I recently received the following in a note from our friend Rose:  "I decided to use Lectio at adoration this morning.  I took the responsorial verse from today's Mass.  'Remember the marvels the Lord has done.'  Oh my goodness.  It was awesome.  I felt like I had only been in prayer a few minutes but when I looked at my watch, I had gone a half hour over my time."

This experience illustrates, for me, the dazzling simplicity of Lectio.  It does not have to be complicated.  It is God meeting man, God speaking to man. It is the written word of God becoming a fresh, vital, personal, breathed-forth-for-me-at-this-moment word of God.  It is loving, intimate, real.  It is when inspired words of God ring from the page or out of the mouth of a reader and are spoken to ME, here and now. It is my response to the Voice of God as I thank, talk with, love, adore.

Where do I find Lectio in my daily life?  Do I open a Bible or a breviary, perhaps a devotional?

Today I am not suggesting a particular scripture.  Instead, I encourage anyone reading this to open a Bible, or to meditate with the Mass readings of the day... and if we're blessed to be at Mass, to listen extra closely.  

God is waiting to reach out and touch my heart this very day.
How will He do so?
How will I respond?

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